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Recently Shopee announced that they are increasing the portion of commission fee taken from sellers. By doing this, they indirectly made sellers increase the price of goods sold by them to obtain desirable profits. So, who are the end victims? Customers like you and me! This is why we should move away from Shopee.

To make it simple, lets look a product from Habib which I am collecting all this while – Gold Wafers!

From the image above, you can see the price difference on Shopee (left showing RM148) and Lazada (right showing RM138). For this product you can see price different of RM10, why? Habib needs to make profit and also pay to Shopee. (Note the price was always RM138 before on both platform).

This not only impacts this particular shop, but also multiple shops and multiple products.

So, what should you do? Before buying something from Shopee, check other platforms if the price is cheaper on the same shop.

This move by Shopee certainly means more and more people will move away from their platform and who knows one day even go on bankruptcy. So, what is next for customers? Need to pay monthly fee to use the platform? Please do the needful and get this sorted.

Posted at 2:03 am on May 13th, 2024 in Tech Talk with 381 views

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