Just like everyone, I am a Linux user. So just like many Linux users, certainly I would want a Linux based tablet. There aren’t much Linux based tablets out there and even those produced are a bit overpriced. With how much Linux Distros are improving day-by-day, I decided to convert my old Chuwi Tablet into a full featured Linux Tablet.
Took out my Chuwi Hi 10 Go tablet which was lagging badly with Windows on it and made decision to convert it into a Linux Tablet. Chose Ubuntu as the distro of my choice due to its driver support for older tablets and also Chinese makers tablets. Everything went smooth and everything worked fine.
As per my checking, everything worked as expected. It was a very smooth experience. It worked fine in both tablet (touch) and keyboard docked mode. Even the auto-rotate works out of the box! Check out below demo video to see how it works, cool eh?
Since this not a natively Linux supported tablet, the only problem I had was with the Camera, which was upside down. Not a big deal for me since the tablet has very bad camera quality. I assume it can also be fixed with some tweaks.
Apart from that, I now own a very brilliantly working Linux tablet, and I am loving it.
If you need help or want to know how I got everything to work and also how I customized certain things, please do reach me out on my discord support channel – https://mesh.name.my/?discord